Evakuisani su svi članovi posade, njih 23, ali nije precizirano koliko je povređeno, pošto je obalska straža saopštila da ‘ih je mnogo, prenosi Rojters.
A Large cargo ship carrying nearly 3,000 cars on board has caught #fire off the coast of the #Netherlands;
A rescue operation is currently underway for the 23 crew members.
There is news of a one person's death.#Ameland #Cargoship pic.twitter.com/sEjuOZaiHz— Chaudhary Parvez (@ChaudharyParvez) July 26, 2023
Teretni brod je prevozio 2.857 automobila iz Nemačke u Egipat, od čega 25 električnih automobila.
File photo of the cargo ship, the Fremantle Highway. It's reported that an electric car caught fire and the fire spread rapidly. It's feared the vessel may sink.
Some crew members were forced to jump into the water but were found by the Coast Guard. Their conditions are unknown. pic.twitter.com/azqrdCRodh
— BNO News (@BNONews) July 26, 2023
Kako prenosi agencija, uzrok požara bio je jedan od električnih automobila koji se zapalio.
Brod je još u plamenu, a hitne službe su i dalje prisutne u njegovoj blizini.